Christina + Michael
Nestled in the forests of northern Minnesota, Christina and Michael celebrated their wedding at Camp Foley. The little stone chapel amongst the pines, fresh air and breeze coming off Lower Whitefish Lake made for a stunning, family-oriented occasion that felt almost like a reunion. It was a perfect day to be outdoors, away from the city.
Christina made almost all of the decorations at the wedding herself — I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bride put so much personally into her wedding day and the result was an incredibly beautiful event. The flowers, the dresses, everything was so picturesque that when I arrived with my cameras I was immediately inspired.
After the ceremony and into the evening, when we had a chance to sneak away for some beauty shots of the couple I decided to ask them to just retell the story of what led to their relationship. They’re both pretty shy so seeing them look to each other as they answered my questions was adorable. The resulting film is one of my favorites that I have done.